In-person knoxville, tn

EMDR Intensives

Find relief & experience change…fast.

Are EMDR intensives
right for me?

You’ve done the work.
You’ve learned a lot of skills.
And yet something is still holding you back from feeling fully like yourself.

You want to feel like yourself again. You want to improve relationships with others and with yourself. You might have recently experienced an upsetting event, such as a sudden death, accident, fire, or traumatic medical procedure. Your daily life is being affected and you want to get your life back quickly and by doing deeper work more efficiently.

You’re seeking deeper, more concentrated healing

You don’t have the time to devote to weekly therapy sessions

You just want to get to it. You want to start feeling better as soon as possible and not wait for weekly appointments. Maybe you have previously attended weekly therapy sessions or never been to therapy at all. You are hoping to improve your relationships and feel better about yourself, but you are still stuck. You are looking for brief, deeper therapy to help you reconnect with your true self and get back to living your life.

You already meet with a weekly therapist

You are already working with a therapist and the two of you have decided together that EMDR can help you get unstuck on a particular symptom, problem, or upsetting memory. You can remain with your therapist for long-term work and experience EMDR intensives in just a few sessions.

You’re in the right place.

EMDR intensives can help you accomplish in a few sessions what may take months in traditional therapy.

What is an intensive?

EMDR intensives are an accelerated form of therapy to move through painful memories and current stressors so you can feel like yourself again.

Intensive sessions are 3 or 6 hours and typically occur between two-five days. We will meet once/week, two times/month, or once/month, depending on your preferences and our mutual availability.


  • Feel better faster

  • Achieve in a few days what often takes several months

  • Remain with your current therapist for long-term work

  • Focus on a specific goal or concern

  • Move through trauma in an unhurried time

  • Allow for deep transformation &change

  • Lower the risk of PTSD for recent events


Pre-Intensive Assessment

We will meet for two 90-minute pre-intensive assessment interviews. During this time, we will collaborate to create goals for your intensive, discuss your relevant history, and create resources to prepare you for intensive sessions.



The EMDR intensive sessions take place in-person at the office located near the Cedar Bluff exit in west Knoxville. They are scheduled for three or six hours each day. Sessions include resourcing activities customized for you, targeted treatment toward your specific goals, and time to integrate your healing into your life.


Post-Intensive Follow-Up

We will meet for a thirty-minute post-intensive follow-up sometime between two and four weeks after your final intensive. This interview focuses on further integration of your healing into your daily life. We will list your take-aways, identify opportunities to work through future stressors, and celebrate your overall progress.

What you get

✓ Evidence-based treatment

✓ Resource building & customized treatment plan

✓ Comfortable, inviting space

✓ A guide on your journey to healing

Your Options

Choose the right format for your needs & goals.

These are the most common EMDR intensive formats, offered in either 3-hour or 6-hour block sessions. All intensive sessions are fully customized toward your specific treatment goals.

Note: Clients already working with a weekly therapist often choose a la carte rather than these formats, at a cost of $200/hr. Contact me directly to discuss the plan that is best for your needs and goals.

    • 12 and a half face-to-face hours

    • We will meet for two 90-minute pre-intensive interviews, three 3-hour sessions, and one 30-minute post-intensive follow-up

    • Most common format for recent traumatic event and future worries

    • All 3-hour sessions include 15-minute breaks

    Investment: $2,440

    • 15 and a half face-to-face hours

    • We will meet for two 90-minute pre-intensive interviews, four 3-hour sessions, and one 30-minute post-intensive follow-up

    • Most common format for ongoing stress and recent traumatic events

    • This can also be formatted into 2 full days instead of 4 half days

    Investment: $3,140

    • 21 and a half face-to-face hours

    • We will meet for two 90-minute pre-intensive interviews, six 3-hour sessions, and one 30-minute post-intensive follow-up

    • Most common format for childhood and complex trauma

    • This can also be formatted into 3 full days instead of 6 half days

    Investment: $4,240

Imagine finally getting to…

Resolve deep wounds

Finally, discover the root causes behind impactful events and empower yourself to make choices about your path forward.

Experience accelerated healing

Understand yourself better to create more meaningful bonds. Achieve a sense of belongingness that starts from within.

Improve your relationships

Rediscover a sense of familiarity and authenticity, and truly feel like yourself again.

Find the healing you’ve been seeking.


Advanced Trainings

  • EMDR Certified

  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional

  • NBCC International Mental Health Facilitator Trainer

  • Trauma Recovery Network Member

  • Attachment-Focused EMDR

  • EMDR Therapy Protocols for Early Intervention & Ongoing Stress

  • Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol

  • Group Traumatic Episode Protocol

  • Group Resource Enhancement Protocol

Global & Local Service

  • Supported first responders at Ground Zero after September 11th, 2001

  • Taught a college study abroad course in northern Nepal with a maternal health nonprofit in 2011

  • Partnered with Rwandan psychologists and nonprofit staff to lead a mental health education course with survivors of the genocide in Kigali in 2017

  • Currently volunteer with survivors and affected family members of local and regional traumatic incidents


Other intensive questions? I’ve got answers.

  • Eye Movement, Desensitization, and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an extensively researched, effective therapy that helps people recover from trauma and reduce the onset of PTSD symptoms. Developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 1980’s, it involves moving your eyes or tapping opposite sides of your body to help facilitate expedited brain processing for difficult events.

    Sometimes the brain and the body do not process upsetting events the same way as other memories. When something reminds you of the experience (a place, smell, a sensation in your body), your brain and body react as though the event is happening again. The brain goes into survival mode and isn’t able to tell the difference between the past and the present. EMDR reminds your brain the past is in the past so you can get back to living your life.

  • EMDR intensives can help with many different life experiences and current symptoms. These are the most common I see in my office:

    Future Events
    Calm your nerves and gain confidence for public speaking, an upcoming performance, or athletic competitions.

    Recent Traumatic Events
    In the last year, you have been involved in a violent event, vehicle accident, natural disaster, fire, traumatic medical procedure, or had a sudden death of someone you know.

    Ongoing Stress
    You are more stressed, anxious, and emotionally reactive than you would like to be. Break out of negative relationship cycles, reduce anxiety, and improve your focus.

    Multiple Incidents of Trauma
    You have been through more than one traumatic event, including childhood events.

  • Yes! One of the great benefits of EMDR intensives is that they can supplement your weekly long-term work. You may continue regular weekly sessions with your current therapist if you have one, and we will communicate to coordinate care with one another with your permission.

  • Therapy intensives are ideal for people who are ready for relief more quickly and are comfortable going deeper. They want to see change in their lives and relationships but don’t want to wait for that to happen next year.

    We will meet during a free consultation to discuss if EMDR intensives are right for you and answer your questions.

    Intensives are not clinically appropriate for anyone who currently has or recently had suicidal ideation or is in active substance use.

  • In-person intensives are scheduled on Fridays or Saturdays. The office is located near Cedar Bluff in west Knoxville. Pre-intensives and post-intensives may occur virtually in order to fit you in more quickly.

  • 3 Half Day Intensives $2,440
    2 90-minute pre-intensive interviews
    3 3-hour sessions
    1 30-minute post-intensive follow-up

    4 Half Day Intensives $3,140
    2 90-minute pre-intensive interviews
    4 3-hour sessions
    1 30-minute post-intensive follow-up

    6 Half Day Intensives $4,240
    2 90-minute pre-intensive interviews
    6 3-hour sessions
    1 30-minute post-intensive follow-up

    A la Carte $200/hour

    Workbook Add-On $280

  • Although an expensive upfront cost, EMDR intensives are often cumulatively less than standard weekly sessions and are a more efficient use of time.

    Typically, in a 50-minute session, there are 5-10 minutes of “check-in” at the start and 5-10 minutes spent on “closing up” at the end - leaving only 30-40 minutes for deep therapeutic work.

    Therapy intensives are different. A 3-hour therapy intensive allows for at least 2.5 hours of deeper work. That’s the equivalent more than a month of therapy - in a single day.

  • Let’s schedule a time to talk! I’m happy to answer any questions and explore your unique situation to see if an EMDR therapy intensive may be helpful for you.

Heal from the past, live fully in the present.